Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nintendo E3 2008 Predictions

My speculation on what Nintendo is about to unveal at E3 2008 is up on The Dark Soul.

Later than expected unfortunately, but still hopefully in time for some to read it.

Click here to view.

Friday, July 11, 2008

It's alive!

All blogs are now active.

Links in the post below have been updated, but quick links are also posted in the menu to your right.

Please bear in mind I've never run a blog before, so they are still under construction and may change page themes frequently.

Note: Seeing as The Dark Eye shall host reviews, and these take a while to write, it only has a welcome message and some of my favourite things in a nifty slideshow at the moment. These 'Recommendations' will feature in more detail on The Dark Mind at some point in the very near future.

I hope this proves an entertaining and educational venture!


Trilogy of 4

Aaaand... back,

Now I realise I have been away for a while, but much of that was planning stages (with about 85% laziness).

I have always maintained I have many moods or "minds" as I call them. 8, in fact. I could never decide which one to go with when updating this blog, so I decided to give each its own. I couldn't quite bring myself to the major task of managing 8 blogs/sites though, so they've been boiled down to 3, with this one acting as a central hub of sorts. Lest I should start babbling further, I'll start to summarise their general themes or "moods" now:

DrDark's Lair [My Aim is Perfection]
- Will act as a hub, providing updates on progress of other blogs, and preview of new content.
- May contain more personal info about myself, or what I'm up to.
- Details of my prior and future programming concepts, whether they be apps or games.
- Anything else which I don't feel fits within the other blogs.

The Dark Eye [AKA Of Course I'm Always Right]
- Will contain most of my opinions on everything.
- Reviews: Games, Movies, Anime, TV, whatever.
- Lists: You know the drill - top ten this, top ten that.
- Features on overlooked/rare/underappreciated/overhyped games.

The Dark Mind [AKA The Random Internets]
- Will contain everything I find amusing on the internet, whatever the subject.
- Youtube videos of anything imaginable.
- Flash videos.
- Possible rants on anything that's annoying me...

The Dark Soul [ AKA Thou Art Game]
- Will be used to further the argument that games are Art.
- Images of game art or videos that are artistic in my opinion (includes game cutscenes).
- Rumours or features on the state of the gaming industry and where it's going.
- In-depth games features no specific genres, companies or characters etc.

Note: Each will be using a different website for hosting duties.

Okay, so that's the general idea. I will update (shortly this time, I promise) when they're all up and running, and shall provide the appropriate links.

Live Long and Prosper.